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Fuel-Saving Tips to Stretch Your Gas Tank

Buying a vehicle is a big decision, and you know the saying — knowledge is power. Whether you’re test driving a new or used car, these tips will help you maximize your time behind the wheel. 

5 Secluded Road Trip Destinations in BC

Buying a vehicle is a big decision, and you know the saying — knowledge is power. Whether you’re test driving a new or used car, these tips will help you maximize your time behind the wheel. 

4 Steps to Becoming a More Defensive Driver

Buying a vehicle is a big decision, and you know the saying — knowledge is power. Whether you’re test driving a new or used car, these tips will help you maximize your time behind the wheel. 

5 Of The Most Common Road Test Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Buying a vehicle is a big decision, and you know the saying — knowledge is power. Whether you’re test driving a new or used car, these tips will help you maximize your time behind the wheel. 

A Guide to Making the Most of Your Test Drive

Buying a vehicle is a big decision, and you know the saying — knowledge is power. Whether you’re test driving a new or used car, these tips will help you maximize your time behind the wheel. 

A Guide to Beating Vehicle Depreciation

Depreciation is normal. You buy a new item, a couch for instance, and as time passes and use wears it down, it decreases in value. Unfortunately, there are few purchases that lose their value as quickly as new vehicles, which can depreciate by 20% or more within their first year. And with $40,000 being the average selling price of a…

DIY Cold-Weather Car Hacks For Winter

Winter is in full swing! And if you’re in the majority of Canada, and don’t keep your vehicle in a garage, there’s a good chance you wake up to a snowed in vehicle at least a few days of the year. These winter car hacks aren’t exactly top secret, but that’s because they work. Give them a try the next…

A Guide to Selling and Getting the Best Price For Your Vehicle

If you’re thinking it’s time to sell your vehicle, there are two routes you can take: trade it in, or sell privately. Most car owners opt to trade in their vehicles and avoid the time commitment and hassle of selling privately, but the convenience will cost you. The difference between the average trade-in price and selling it privately is easily…

Tips for Bringing More Focus to Your Driving

Most drivers find themselves behind the wheel so often that it starts to feel like second nature. While being comfortable driving is a good thing, it’s important not to get so comfortable that you’re easily distracted. Here’s an alarming statistic: distracted driving fatalities have surpassed those caused by impaired driving in some parts of Canada (Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2019).…

Tips for Driving at Night and in Compromised Visibility

As the days get shorter and winter approaches, Canadians are spending more time driving at night and in the rain, ice and snow. When visibility is limited, all the hazards of driving in good conditions are amplified — you can see less of the road ahead, reaction time is slower and, if you’re driving at night, you’re more likely to…

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