Blog Posts

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How to Prevent Break-Ins and Auto Crimes

How to Prevent Break-Ins and Auto Crimes Unfortunately, almost everyone with a vehicle has to deal with a break-in at one point or another. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent it, but there are definitely steps you can take to reduce your chances of being a target. Follow these tips to help ensure your car isn’t the one…

Winter Road Tips For Safe Driving

You know that challenging winter road conditions come with the territory as a BC resident. While access to mountainous terrain and an abundance of winter activities is one of the great things about this province, the trade-off is driving in less-than-ideal, and sometimes even treacherous, road conditions a few months out of the year. With freezing temperatures upon us and…

How To Handle A Roadside Collision

The bad news is, no matter how diligent you are as a driver, anyone can be involved in a roadside collision. According to numbers released by ICBC, road collisions were at an all-time high for British Columbians in 2017, averaging 960 crashes a day and 350,000 in total. The good news is, you can control how you handle the incident and…

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