3.4 11212021 Flood Warning Alert
3.4 11212021 Flood Warning Alert

To our Valued Broker Partners:

Effective immediately, binding authority will be temporarily suspended for any new business or additions to or increasing coverage on existing policies located within 50 kilometres of an area under a flood warning alert.

This restriction will remain in place until such time as the alert has been lifted for the area in question. During this time, we will continue to provide coverage for our existing policies.

In the meantime:

We recommend you file claims online to help manage the volume: online claim reporting.

If the insured does not have access to internet or needs to speak to someone urgently then by all means they can contact our queue 604-282-0671.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to give myself or the Broker Support Team a call.

Rhonda Zimmermann
Business Development Manager

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