1.9 09182020 Renewal Procedure Communication
1.9 09182020 Renewal Procedure Communication

To our Valued Broker Partners:

Renewal Procedures

You can find Stratford’s renewal procedures by clicking here.

These procedures cover how to:

  • Retrieve and print a renewal from our Sales Portal,
  • Make a renewal payment, and
  • Lapse a declined renewal.

Your producer or branch leadership will provide you with guidance and instruction on whether and how to create and distribute renewal reminders ahead of time to your December – expiring and onwards customers.

For policies expiring on or prior to November 30, 2020, Stratford has issued and mailed all the renewal documents.

Reach out to your producer/manager, in the first instance, for questions on renewal reminder mailings and pre-renewal reporting.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to call myself or Broker Support for more information.

Rhonda Zimmermann
Business Development Manager

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